Why I Am Not Giving Up Beer...yet

Part of the reason I don't think I will ever be 100% raw is due to my love of finely crafted ales. One of the main reasons craft beer is not Raw is due to the fact that part of it's creation requires that it be heated to temperatures above 114 degrees Fahrenheit. In fact, your average beer needs to be brought to at least 150*F.

Boiling the grains in beer draws out tannins in the grain's husks which could attribute to a more bitter or harsh flavor of beer. For the most part, too much of a tannin presence is considered a flaw of the beer, although there are certain types of beer where this flavor is favored.

Even though beer is not Raw, it is a Superfood. It's an excellent source of the mineral Silicon, which is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy and strong bones. A 2005 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reported that adherents of a Raw Vegetarian diet had a greater likelihood for lower bone mass and density than adherents of the typical American diet.

Beer is made with hops. Hops is a good source of phytoestrogens; natural plant hormones that protect against osteoporosis. Less than 10 fluid ounces of beer a day can help to prevent osteoporosis. Hops also has a natural antibiotic action that kills Heliobacteria Pylori bacterium which causes inflammation of the stomach lining and is, therefore, the most common cause of gastric ulcers.

Beer is rich in vitamins B6, B12 (which many Rawists often supplement), folic acid, and potassium. It is also very low in sodium, and is good for blood pressure, circulation and healthy digestion.

So, yeah...I don't really feel bad about keeping beer in my diet.


  1. Awesome. I'm drinking a ber *right now* and I feel better about it. ;-)

  2. Alas, one superfood I can enjoy. I think I may be one of those, start slow, really slow, like waaaay slow rawists, maybe a slawist? That's corny. Seriously, I am so happy you have found this and would never frown at your new choice. (Have eaten at Josie's E. and even though I am not a rawist, found myself asking, what would they have here?) This blog is both intimidating and joy-making. Especially this beer entry, posted on my birdthday. :)


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