Fruit Bonding

I actually ran out of fruit this morning. Fortunately for me there is a fruit and nut stand just outside the front doors of where I work. If I am lucky, "Fruit Guy" (as I like to call him), will have something organic on hand, if not I usually aim for one of the lower level pesticide laden foods, like bananas or avocados. You can get a shopping guide to pesticides here. I actually keep a little card with a list of all the dirtiest produce tucked away in my wallet (because that's what cool people do).

Today I picked up a couple bananas and some blackberries and headed to the ladies room to wash my fruit. The ladies room isn't my most ideal location to wash my food, but so be it. When I walked in I was surprised to see a young, female physician washing her fruit too! I looked at her and said, "you're here to do the same thing I am." So we stood there, washing our fruit in the sink, talking "produce shop," if you will, and laughing about what nerds we were. Another woman walked in, saw us and gave us an odd look, then turned around and walked out. Haha! what is so odd about two woman washing fruit in a bathroom? Clearly, she didn't know what she was missing.

Aaaah, fruit. If only we could all bond with one another, in a bathroom...with fruit.


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