Easy Spinach-Sunflower Sprout Salad

I just got home form the farmers market and made myself a great lunch with some of my finds. It was so good, I'd like to share the recipe with you. It took me about 6 or 7minutes to make.

Salad Ingredients: all 100% Certified Organic (if possible)

- About two large handfuls of fresh Spinach Leaves (I pinched the bottom of the stems off)
- 1/4 Cup fresh Cilantro (I actually added a little bit more than a 1/4 cup, but I love Cilantro)
- A handful of fresh Sunflower Sprouts (very mild sprout, delicious)
- 1/4 Cup chopped Scallions or Green Onions
- 3 to 4 large Cherry Tomatoes, diced and de-seeded

Dressing Ingredients:

- Fresh squeezed juice from 1/2 of a Lemon
- 2 Garlic Cloves, pressed
- 1/4 tsp. Himalayan Pink Salt (or any all-natural, 100% Sea Salt)
- 1 Tbsp. cold-pressed Hemp Oil, 100% organic (if it's not cold-pressed, it's not Raw)

Then you just mix it all up in a large bowl and enjoy. I like to mix it with my hands because I think that coats everything the best and is more gentle on the food (yeah, I'm weird like that).



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