Am I Vegan? Really?

It feels really weird calling myself a Vegetarian or even a Vegan. I don't really consider myself either of things, but technically I am. It's really strange to me.

I guess, I am what is known as a Raw Beegan, which basically means I only eat fresh, uncooked fruits and vegetables. The only animal product I include in my diet is honey (bee + vegan = beegan). Mind you, in the month that I have been on this diet I have not ingested honey once, but I have zero problems with including it my diet in the future.

I never entered into this diet, well, lifestyle due to any moral or ethical issues regarding the use of animal products. I wanted to go Raw because I was sick all the time and needed a drastic change right away. I suppose the name of this blog shouldn't be the Accidental Rawist, but the Accidental Vegan. It was just easier to be true to the Raw diet when I wasn't ingesting animal products. For example, technically Raw diets can include raw meat, but raw meat doesn't appeal to me. Rawists can have dairy as long as it's unpasteurized; good luck trying to find that in NYC and have it last long enough to be worth spending the money on. I can have sushi too, because it's essentially raw fish, but I have three main reasons why I choose not to eat it. It's loaded with mercury, our fish supply is dwindling (many close to complete endangerment) and finally, I know the horrors of fish farming practices. When I worked at New York Medical College I learned first-hand the results of ingesting farmed fish from a medical standpoint. Do you know how many antibiotics they dump into fish-farm waters? Do you understand how this effects our health? There is just no way I could ever feel good about putting that in my body knowing what I know.

So, here I am...a damn Vegan (or Beegan) and I never intended to be. I always thought Vegans were a little too extreme for my taste (no pun intended), but the funny thing is the longer I adhere to this Raw lifestyle the more sensitive I feel towards living things. I know, I know, it sounds so "hippy" and new-agey. It's true though. It brings me joy talking to my plants (seriously, it's a joy tending to my plants and since I have been talking to them, they have been thriving!!), I've turned down hangin' out with friends because I didn't feel like I was spending enough quality time with my cats, I just can't do it...i can't eat animal products. Not only that, recently a friend told me about this really great Elk dish she had and I felt really sad. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!?


This whole experience has truly blown my mind. My perspective shift has gone beyond anything I have intended or even thought possible...and you know what? It's pretty damn cool and I really like it.

I feel good about all of these changes and I'm not going to question them. I'm just going to role with it and see what happens.


  1. Hi Karen,

    Great post. I wish I had your determination. Thanks for sharing.

    I'm Hua, the director of Wellsphere's HealthBlogger Network, a network of over 2,000 of the best health writers on the web (including doctors, nurses, healthy living professionals, and expert patients). I think your blog would be a great addition to the Network, and I'd like to invite you to learn more about it and apply to join at Once approved by our Chief Medical Officer, your posts will be republished on Wellsphere where they will be available to over 5 million monthly visitors who come to the site looking for health information and support. There’s no cost and no extra work for you! The HealthBlogger page ( provides details about participation, but if you have any questions please feel free to email me at



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