Stumbling Upon a Great Headache Reliever

Lately I have been having such an easy time getting up in the mornings. I also find that since I have changed my diet I have been sleeping less (about 6 hours, as opposed to 8-10 when I was pre-raw food) and waking up feeling more refreshed and energized. Obviously I credit this change to my diet, giving up caffeine and drinking a lot more water in general.

This morning, however I woke up with a bit of a headache, no doubt a result of the couple glasses of wine I had last night (yes, many raw foodists consider some wines to be raw) and not enough water.

I was just going to ride it out, but I thought I should probably try to eat something. I didn't have time to make my green smoothie this morning and was really craving vegetables. The only veg. in my lunch that sounded any good was the seaweed salad. I know, it probably sounds really weird having seaweed for breakfast, but it almost completely took my headache away. I am curious to know if it was merely that I had eaten something or did the fact that it was seaweed play a role?

I searched around online and was surprised to find many sources which cited seaweed as being a traditional, "natural" headache reliever. How interesting!

I have had many headaches in my life and I have eaten many different foods. I never recall once having a headache, eating a particular food and having my headache disappear almost immediately. This is definitely a first-time experience for me. I can't help but feel that my choice of food played an important role in the alleviation of my headache.


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