This Great Caffeine Addiction...

Will I ever be able to cut coffee out of my life? I had no idea how addicted and/or dependent I was until I tried to cut it out of my diet. It's becoming increasingly frustrating.

I use to basically live off of coffee. Drinking 32 ounces a day was completely normal behavior for me. Since I have gone Raw I haven't ever needed more than 8 to 10 ounces. That alone is no small feat. I thought kicking those last few ounces would get easier, but it's been a struggle. Mentally, I can do without coffee. I do not feel that I want coffee, it seems that my body is so use to having it in the morning that I may actually need least, for a little bit longer.

This past weekend it was easy to go without coffee. I didn't have to wake up early and get ready for work and my mind wasn't required to be performing at optimal sharpness by 8am. The days when I have cut coffee out of my mornings at work I feel sluggish and cannot concentrate. I feel like I am in a fog. It's terrible. People can talk to me and I have the hardest time focusing on what they are saying and I can barely remember anything in those first few hours I am at the office. When I have coffee this problem does not exist.

How long is it going to take to kick the caffeine addiction? I am guessing it varies from person to person. I also guess it would probably be wise to keep reducing my intake slowly because this cold turkey thing just is not working for me.

I had to break down and get a cup this morning. I got off the train and it was relentless downpour rain. Needless-to-say, even though I had an umbrella, I was soaked. My feet were soaked, my bag, my coat, it was cold and wet.

So there I was, standing in the rain fighting off my body's drive for a cup of coffee. I stood there, soaked trying to focus through a completely fogged and still half-asleep brain when finally, I just said "F this! I need a cup of coffee and I am getting one." I ducked into a nearby bodega and as I was trying to explain to the man who spoke no English that I did not want cream or sugar a homeless man walked in and would not stop asking me for money. More chaos! I snapped, "go away, please!" (something I never do) and another employee came running up to him, waving his arms to shoo him away like a pesky rodent.

Now here I sit at my desk, just taking a minute to relax, sipping my 8 ounces of heaven and feeling like I am just starting to come into focus. Gaaaahahagafhglskurtgyasjk...what a morning.


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