Cravings: Then and Now

I am starting to lose track of when I first changed my diet and began to go Raw. I see this as a positive thing. I spend a good deal of time sifting through online forums designated for those interested in the Raw Food lifestyle and have read many stories of people really struggling with the transition from S.A.D. to Raw. I guess I am lucky to have had such an easy transition. Don't get me wrong, it was a challenge, but I am so happy to have stuck with it.

Changing ones eating habits is a journey. At some point it feels like you have reached a locked door and your trying to push through it to no avail. It seems pointless trying to continue to work at opening a passageway that seems locked, but if you keep trying you will push through and, in my case, the grass was definitely greener on the other side of that door. ..both figuratively and literally.

Today I was thinking about cravings. The first two weeks I changed my diet were not easy. I wanted bread products more than anything. Meat and dairy I could have cared less about (surprisingly).

Now my cravings are only for vegetables. There is nothing I crave more than greens. Oh man, I love them!!! I am sure many people might think that the idea of having a salad everyday seems extremely bland and boring, but it makes my mouth water.

When I began eating Raw, I was eating a lot of gourmet Raw dishes which included a lot of nuts and dried fruits, but now my diet has simplified greatly. I predominately eat leafy greens...and I cannot get enough of them. I have zero interest in standard junk food. It's really quite amazing how quickly my taste has shifted.

My taste-buds have changed dramatically. My sense of smell is extremely sensitive (maybe even too sensitive) and I find myself using less spices. Before I went Raw I was so in love with salt and now I have become very sensitive to it's flavor. I recently made a dressing which required a pinch of salt and that alone was too much for me. I actually prefer not to use it all. The natural taste of vegetables is enough flavor for me.

I am very happy with the way everything is turning out and find it increasingly strange that anyone would choose to eat fast food, packaged and frozen dinners, fried foods, etc. I went from loving those things to feeling sick thinking about them. I believe that kind of response can happen for anyone. If you feed your body only the best and healthiest of foods then that is all it will want; it's really that simple. If your experience is anything like mine has been, you will no longer want the things you thought you could not live without (potato chips, ice cream, McDonald's, etc.). I know it seems impossible, but I promise you...when you push through that locked door, everything changes and becomes so very easy.


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