The Accidental Rawist: 10 Years Later

The other day a friend of mine mentioned wanting some seaweed and I was catapulted back in time and back on Google to search for this blog. The seaweed post was one of my favorites and I wanted to see what I had to say about this superfood almost 11 years ago. Surprisingly, this blog still sits somewhere online and finding it has been less mortifying than I thought it would be. I sit here, eating a pear that I think is unwashed and have no idea if it's organic (I'm okay with that), reading these old posts and musing on who I was and who I am now.

Here's my update. For better or worse.

As you may have imagined I am not 100% raw like I use to be, but I firmly stand behind the tenants and importance of a plant-based lifestyle (notice I didn't use the word diet).  Sadly, the strength of my beliefs often outweighs the strength of my appetite and I have been known to not always eat as healthy as I possibly can. I'm fine with that because for me age has brought an understanding that everything should be taken in moderation, even at times moderation itself.

I cook my food a lot. Eleven years ago I was single and my only real commitments were showing up to work on time and paying bills. I had more time and flexibility to live life on my terms. I have a family now with two little ones and one hell of a daily work commute, and because I'm not a superhero it does have an effect on how active I am and what I eat. Sometimes eating my way feels more like a luxury than it did in the past and many of my food choices are based on convenience. I don't mention any of this as an excuse, I am 100% responsible for my lifestyle choices, I just wanted to be honest.

One thing that hasn't changed is how this blog still inspires me. It was really born as an experiment and my desire to share my experience with raw food and the lifestyle that comes with it. I'm glad it's here and although I don't necessarily agree with some things I previously wrote about, I'm still proud of it. I'm proud that I had the guts and stamina to try something new which I still believe is something that profoundly changed my life for the better.

Raw food is still one of my absolute favorite cuisines of all time. In fact, the books I reference most on my cookbook shelf are the raw food books.  By Ani Phyo and Matt Amsden books are nearly in taters from how much I've used them.  My first uncooking book was Matt Amsden's Rawvolution and I still love it!

I still do not own a dehydrator...seriously, dehydrator. That needs to change. 2020 is the year I get one, mark my words.

Finally, I'm thinking about a reboot. There is no greater time than the present and a lot of people who were interested enough in my story eleven years ago, like me, probably have a lot of the challenges I do right now that they think could be preventing them from trying a plant-based lifestyle again.

Maybe we should do this together? What do you think?


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