
Showing posts from August, 2009

Raw Food Preparation Class at the Brooklyn Skillshare

Coming soon! I will be teaching a basic raw food preparation class at the upcoming Brooklyn Skillshare on October 10th. It's a free 90 minute class of tasty raw goodness. I'm still working on the menu, but if you are in the area, please come on down!

Reversing Diabetes in 30 days

I have no comment to make on this trailer other than it looks interesting. Certainly it seems obvious that if diet can aggravate a condition such as diabetes, surely diet could alleviate the condition as well.

Eterntaining in the Raw (circa 1960)

I don't know about you, but I have definitely been digging that show Mad Men. I actually do not have TV, so I have to rely on Netflix to see the show. Season three just began and in order to kick-off the night some friends decided to throw a 60's themed Mad Men party. The idea was to dress, drink, and eat like you were of the time period. I had pretty much everything down, but creating a Raw meal that was going to fit in with the 60's vibe was going to be a fun challenge. Most people I meet don't even know what Raw foodism is...and this is present day New York City. I can't imagine what their knowledge of it was back in the 1960's. A lot of people assume that Raw foodism is something new, but actually it's arguably the oldest diet known to man. We weren't born into this planet with stoves, people, we were foragers. Anyways, planning a fun dish for the party was a lot easier than I thought. Look through any 1960's cookbook and you are bound

Can You Guess What This Is?

A friend of mine recently included this picture on her blog and I just could not resist sharing it on mine too (thanks for sharing, Caroline!). Can you guess what is in the picture? A) Strawberry ice cream B) Chicken C) Plastic foam D) None of the above See the answer HERE . I think you may be surprised.

The "Honeymoon" Period and Questioning the Safety of Prescription Medication

It's been a while since I posted. The good news is, since I have been gone I have still been eating over 75 - 80 % Raw (maybe even more). The sad news is, I think it is safe to say my honeymoon period is over (insert sad face here). What is the honeymoon period, you ask? It's a term that many people who eat Raw use to describe the initial high that comes with the first few weeks or months of transitioning to the Raw diet. It's pretty awesome. I was so excited those first few weeks of changing my diet. I literally felt amazing in almost every way; emotionally, mentally, physically, and even spiritually. I felt like I had discovered the secret to life (yeah, it really was that profound). When you feel this way, it's pretty impossible not to feel awesome all the time. Even when I was struggling with breaking old addictions (Coffee; that was hard) and detoxing, I still felt better than I ever had in my life. I was sold on the Raw food diet after my first 48 hour